I'm a night person. Always have been. My natural inclination is to go to sleep somewhere between 2 am - 4 am. So while I'm currently unemployed and have all day to write (perhaps to the envy of my employed writer friends to whom I say shut up - I may be living in my car soon), I find that the muse doesn't hit me until 11 pm. Then I write straight through until 2 am. My brain finally gets quiet at 11. Not quiet enough to sleep but it's then in the darkness and silence that the words finally free themselves of my brain.
Isn't the brain a wonderful thing? I sit down to write with a Point A and a destination Point B and things that I never even consciously thought of end up on the page. It's like my outline is a map but the journey is an ever-evolving, random series of events. My creativity is the equivalent of stopping at every giant dinosaur, largest ball of string, and roadside greasy spoon on a whim. And that's it isn't it? Whimsy. My muse is whimsical. She wears flowers in her hair and fairy wings and doesn't blow things up. Or she hasn't yet. Who knows? Next time she may strap on the Doc Martens and a machine gun and do some damage. She's all about the accessories. :)
So when do you write?
#IWSG-- What scares you?
5 months ago
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